
What is a family tree ?

A family tree, or pedigree chart, is a chart representing family relationships in a conventional tree structure. The more detailed family trees used in medicine and social work are known as genograms.a diagram showing the relationship between people in several generations of a family. You need to understand only the simple meaning of it is a diagram showing the relationship between people in several generations of a family.

Types of representations:

Ancestry chart
Genealogical data can be represented in several formats, for example as a pedigree or ancestry chart. Family trees are often presented with the oldest generations at the top and the newer generations at thebottom. An ancestry chart, which is a tree showing the ancestors of an individual, will more closely resemble a tree in shape, being wider at the top than the bottom. In some ancestry charts, an individual appears on the left and his or her ancestors appear to the right. A descendancy chart, which depicts all the descendants of an individual will be narrowest at the top.
Fan Chart
One technique is a "fan chart", which features a half circle chart with concentric rings: the person of interest is the inner circle, the second circle is divided in two (each side is one parent), the third circle is divided in four, and so forth. Fan charts depict paternal and maternal ancestors.
Graph Theory

While family trees are depicted as trees, family relations do not in general form a tree in the sense of graph theory, since distant relatives can mate, so a person can have a common ancestor on their mother's and father's side. However, because a parent must be born before their child is born, a person cannot be their own ancestor, and thus there are no loops, so ancestry forms a directed acyclic graph.

The graphs of matrilineal descent ("mother" relationships between women) and patrilineal descent ("father" relationships between men) are trees however.

Assuming no common ancestor, an ancestry chart is a perfect binary tree, as each person has exactly one mother and one father, for two parents; these thus have a regular structure. A descendancy chart, on the other hand, does not in general have a regular structure, as a person can have any number of children, or none at all.


The longest family tree in the world today is that of the Chinese philosopher and educator Confucius (551–479 BC), and he is the descendant of King Tang (1675–1646 BC). The tree spans more than 80 generations, and includes more than 2 million members. An international effort involving more than 450 branches around the world was started in 1998 to retrace and revise this family tree. A new edition of the Confucius genealogy was printed in September 2009 by the Confucius Genealogy Compilation Committee, to coincide with the 2560th anniversary of the birth of the Chinese thinker. This latest edition is expected to include some 1.3 million living members who are scattered around the world today.

Another very old and extensive tree is that of the Lurie lineage—which includes Sigmund Freud and Martin Buber—and traces back to Jehiel Lurie, a 13th-century rabbi in Brest-Litovsk, and from there to Rashi and purportedly back to the legendary King David.

In Europe, the pedigree of Niall Noígíallach would be contender for the longest, through Conn of the Hundred Battles (fl. 123 AD).

Creating Family Tree

Every person is curious to know about his ancestors and gain every single bit of information he can in this regard. As the practice of nuclear family is becoming normal, the newer generations are deprived of the information of their ancestors . Creating your family tree is a great way to collect all the information you have of your ancestors. You can also leave a picture of them to as a gift for your future generations. Designing a family tree online is easier than doing it yourselves.

Steps to create a Family Tree
  • Open
  • Now upload your pictures and add details, and you are done.
  • Here you can find many options like Birth Date, Death Date, Address, Contact No. etc.
  • You may or may not upload Pictures.
NOTE - You can also print the Family Tree you created or share it on social media.

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