
Corruption swarms through the land, and you are one of those few wizards who can put an end to it. Create and combine magic gems, put them into your towers and banish the monsters back to hell!

  1. Click on spell buttons to select them drag gems to move, throw or combine them. 
Advanced controls :-
  1.  Press Buttons "1-6" or "B"/"T"/"C"/"M"/"W"/"G" to selects spells "Gem Bomb", "Tower", "Create Gem", "Mana Pool", "Build Wall", "Combine Gems"  respectively.  
  2.  Hold "Ctrl" to create/combine as much gems as possible.
  3.  Hold "Shift" to place multiple towers/trenches.
  4.  Hold "Shift" to create multiple gems. 
  5.  Press "P" to pause.
  6.  "Click"/"Space"/"Enter" to close tutor panels.

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