
What do you mean by adding a phone number to your Facebook Account?

Adding a phone number to your Facebook account means that the number you are giving to the Facebook is going to be share on the net to whom you wanted to share. One more thing is that Facebook will never share your mobile number or any other personal details without asking to you. I first ask you before sharing to whom you are comfortable to share your information. Adding a phone number is one part but if you get your number verified by the Facebook then you are able to assess many useful feature of the Facebook which you will like to have as it help you to control your account easily.

Now a days if you are using any social networking site or app then you must have hear about Facebook Account and as I thing you could have one too. It is very common that every one have one Facebook account. So today I am going to tell you a interesting feature of Facebook which not only help you but also help others to contact or get in touch with you very easily. Today I am going to tell you that how you can have a phone number to your Facebook Account. Not only adding the phone number to the Facebook Account but also get verified so that you can assess some of the useful feature of Facebook right into your mobile. There are many benefits to add a phone number to your Facebook Account. 

It is not so difficult to add the phone number and get verified by the Facebook but many of us now also not know the way to add and verify the phone  number. So I am gong to give you some of the way to add and verify your mobile number easily.

But before Steps, let see the features which we can use when we have a verified phone number.

  1. Can get Facebook Log In Notification.
  2. Can get Text Notification.
  3. Can have Facebook Notificatin.
  4. Can get Security Alert.
  5. Can get Chat Alert
  6. Can get Post Alert
  7. and so on.

There are three ways to verify your mobile number in Facebook Account.
  • 1st way (it is free):
    1. Firstly open your Facebook account.
    2. Then go to setting and click on the Mobile tab.
    3. Then you click on "+ Add a Phone" button.
    4. Then a dialog box will appear, in the box click on the link "add your phone no. here."
    5. Then simply provide your mobile number to the phone number box and click on "Continue" Button. Then a message will be sent to your given mobile number having conformation code in it.
    6. Then go to setting and click on the Mobile tab and provide the conformation code to the box at the right and click on "Confirm" button.
    7. Then Facebook ask you for your password, you simply give the password and click on "Submit" button. (this step may or may not appear)
    8. Now your Mobile Number is verified to the Facebook.
  • 2nd way (it is free):

    1. Firstly open your Facebook account.
    2. Then click on Profile at the top.
    3. Then after go to The "About" tab.
    4. Then click on "Contact and Basic Info" option.
    5. In "Mobile Phone" option click on edit and enter the Mobile No. and click on "Save Changes" Button.
    6. Then you will find at the right side of your given mobile number "Verify" option have appeared, simply click on this option.
    7. Then a dialog box will appear, in this box simply click on "Continue" Button. Then a message will be sent to your given mobile number having conformation code in it.
    8. Then go to setting and click on the Mobile tab and provide the conformation code to the box at the right and click on "Confirm" button.
    9. Then Facebook ask you for your password, you simply give the password and click on "Submit" button. (this step may or may not appear)
    10. Now your Mobile Number is verified to the Facebook.
  • 3rd way (it is not free):

    1. Take your mobile phone and write letter "F" in the message box and send it to 51555 by that SIM which you want to register in the Facebook.
    2. Then you will get a conformation code.
    3. Then open your Facebook account and go to the setting.
    4. Then click on the Mobile tab and provide the conformation code to the box. 
    5. at the right and click on "Confirm" button.
    6. Then Facebook ask you for your password, you simply give the password and click on "Submit" button. (this step may or may not appear).
    7. Now your Mobile Number is verified to the Facebook.
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